Well, my life has changed a lot since my last blog. I was looking at it today and decided there needs to be another post. I left a few posts from my previous blogs glory, but not too much is left. I've decided there needs to be a few posts every so often as to remember all the good things that are happening in my life! Well, I've just started the last week of this college semester. I'm SO ready for it to be over and so ready to have a nice break. I haven't had a long break since the summer before my senior year. I'm bored and just thinking about everything and deciding that I'm glad I've made the decisions over the past years that I have. They may have not all be the right ones... but I like where I'm at now. I like the position of my life I am at. I can't wait to go on my mission, but for now, life is good. I kind of wish now that I could have a few friends a little closer than they are. Cary, I wish you were around more often. Now the Sidekick is running we have to work on that thing like crazy! I'm SOOOOOO excited for tomorrow that we're going to clean the Sidekick and stuff... that is so awesome. Jill, you're awesome and I really hope that I've never hurt your feelings. If I have... I apologize. Jenny, your an awesome girl and I have very high regard for you and what you do. I appreciate all three of you being my friends and I hope that over the next six months you and I can work together to become a closer group of friends. I say six months because that might be the only chance I get to be your friends... Devin... you're an awesome guy and I'm so glad you've been stopping by lately! It has been so much fun! You're so awesome! Shella, what can I say! You're so great! I have some of the best friends ever. Thanks guys... uhhh girls... uhhh... people? Later Days.